Designed smart umbrella targeting the UK. It is a product that helps the comfortable life and smart living in England where the geographical rain is frequent and dark weather is everyday. Basically, it acts as an umbrella, and the removable handle can perform both the role of the auxiliary battery and the role of the hand stove and the light. By using aluminum materials, we wanted to bring about a combination of materials that are easy to heat transfer and sustainable. And I wanted to keep the design of the traditional J-shape and to contain the smartness and classicalness.
By studying and experimenting with various attachment and detachment methods, we wanted to provide optimum stability and intuitive usability. We also wanted to provide more intuitive usability and stability in the usability of the product. He led the whole product through the design language of classic and smart. The fabric of the umbrella was also designed by borrowing a pattern of a classic, but not so-called suit.
The cradle of the product can be used together when there is no rain or when charging is required. The smoky-post processed material and the internal LEDs can display weather, time, and various information.
Smart Umbrella

Smart Umbrella
