Milos Djordjevic's profile

Dislocation / section B1 - video

PVC silk screen on plastic transparent thermo-foils 0.2 mm thickness. However, it is not the point in just one sheet of foil. Each sheet, dimension of 40 x 40 cm, is a layer, which, added to the previous one and combined with others, changes the appearance and final situation. Further, every of these layer sheets can be moved leftwards or rightwards on to two meters long rails, additionally opening new possibilities.
Work is concieved as opened and variable structure. Author conduct further progression of the work, almost in the form of performance. None the less, essential characteristic of this work is interactive property, a possibility of transformation. Challenge goes onto the observer to participate. It is completely accessible to the outer interventions which substantially changes appearances, essentaily not changing but completing it by very act of involving and interfiring.
Dislocation / section B1 - video

Dislocation / section B1 - video

Printmaking based artwork as opened and variable structure with interactive property and possibility of transformation as essential characteristi Read More
