Memes and Hashtags  

When I was planning to start making my first batch of actual artworks (memes and GIF's)  I drew in inspiration from the #menaretrash hashtag. I felt that this hashtag struck a chord with me and that it would fit into my techno -feminist study quite nicely. The #menaretrash gained traction on many social media sites and slowly made its way into the mouths of people in Durban. Many people did not understand the concept behind the phrase and took it personally. I felt that this tag was not made to make women victims or to accuse men and partake in the common feminist man hating stereotype.

For this artwork I wanted to just visually depict the #hashtag in the most simplistic way as the words alone (men are trash) are powerful enough, I also wanted the artwork to make a comment on the negative or misunderstood way people were receiving it.  
Get touched 2017 digital illustration  Sarah Kieswetter

In the work I used a solid colour background with an illustration of a trash bag and phrase “get touched” – this to me referrers to how men feel that they are being accused, yet when in Durban sexual harassment , physical abuse , femicide ect are an everyday reality and risk.
Memes and Hashtags

Memes and Hashtags
