Tegra Incorporadora

IF DESIGN AWARDS: Corporate branding

2018 REBRAND 100: Merit

Client: TEGRA – www.tegraincorporadora.com.br

Industry Setting
The Brazilian real estate market lived a moment of uncertainty and pressure in the midst of the country’s long lasting economic and political crisis. Facing this scenario, Brookfield Incorporações, one of the largest construction companies in Brazil, changed its name to Tegra, completing a repositioning process that began in 2014 when the company launched its Public Offering of Shares, becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Brookfield Asset Management.

Brookfield Incorporações was living in a new moment. New values, new attitudes and new goals were born from the inside out. But the new brand did not just mean an aesthetic change. The entire customer journey had to be rethought to strengthen the relationship with people and ensure unique experiences with the brand. The goal was clear: to connect brand values with tangible benefits in products and services.

From the union of “integrity” and “integration,” Tegra was born. A name as unique as the challenge of its verbal identity: to re-signify the classic language of the real estate world. From the light, came the idea that guided all visual identity. It is present in the color, in the icons, in the photography.
Tegra’s offices also received the transposition of this concept. The environments were designed to reproduce the light, allowing clients and employees to feel and live the concepts of the brand in their interactions with Tegra.

More than a new moment in its brand identity, Tegra is born to represent a unique moment. From its values, concepts and employees, to each new client and each new enterprise. Tegra was launched and greatly spread and advertised in different media channels, quickly gaining acceptance both from internal and external audiences.

Project by Interbrand São Paulo
Tegra Incorporadora