Agni, Vaayu, Aakash, Prithvi, and Apas. 

5 ghosts is a visual representation of the souls long gone in our acts of development.
The souls of Panchbhoot were a part of the advent of our civilization. They provided the civilization to their needs of growth. As we grew from phases to phases our need of these deities increased, devouring them and depleting them of their essence, and as we enter our next era, whatever that might be it will not be the same as it was, a Level 2 we can say. 

The heads are made of paper and Maida trying to keep their bio ethnic essence. They are marked by the symbols and colors of their powers.  The projection shows the gradual travel from nature to human intervention to technical control over our environment. Our transformation over the decades, and within this transformation lived the Panchbhoot, their powers diminishing and burning them out, the masks deconstructing in their element. By the end of the projection the mask are deformed and exhausted, overused by their own powers. 
Agni catches fire and burns out
Vaayu gets blown away only to remain still after 
Prtihvi gets taken over by garbage
Apas drowns itself till its no more
Aakash taken over by laser beams of our need for communication
They have lost their soul and now are ghosts.
5 Ghosts

5 Ghosts
