interactive printmaking based installation
offset printing machine / “stain” image without raster plate
each print is 50 x 50 cm and one hundred of them makes edition entirely used to form the work. 
Title is of layered meaning. Other then representing movement of the elements and body, it also stands for moving the boundaries of printmaking art conception.
Essential characteristic of this work is interactive property, a possibility of transformation. Mounted on fixed metal rails with magnetic stripes on the back, units can be moved and shifted or can be added or removed. The units are actually mobile parts; their movement makes a free play of form and shape, implying the transformation and briefly changing state and appearance of work. Partially, the work has the possibility of identical repetition, which is distinctive characteristic of the very media, although not necessarily of work itself.
Combined through careful installation, these independent entities assert an open space which plays host to a series of ongoing dialogues. From this, emerges power of the printmaking media and the impact on the ambient of space.
Dynamics of work is on thin line with action or even performance, reaching out from strict boundaries of very printmaking media. Work is concieved as opened and variable structure, completely accessible to the interventions which essentially are not changing but completing the work by the act of involving and interfering. Further progression of work is carried out by author himself or by audience. I am counting on a potential challenge that goes even onto the observer to participate. Therefore, I am establishing a bridge between professional art practice and visitors and more importantly, taking out exhibiting routine and placing it with direct access to the audience.
2009 - Dislocation, O3one Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia
2012 - Modular prints, Contemporary Art Gallery, Zrenjanin, Serbia
           (with Ljubomir Vučinić)
Exchange with Sol Lewitt
catalog for curatorial project by Regine Basha
MASS MOCA, Massachsetts and CABINET MAGAZINE, NY, 2011



Interactive printmaking based installation.
