Paulo Bazzo's profile

ITV - Behind the scenes using Cinema 4D - C4D animation

Personal Project
On this project, I have produced a video to introduce the content of ITV.  My intentions were to have the colours of the Brand gain life and take over the TV screen.
I have used a combination of Cinema 4D and After Effects to produce the final video.
The audience for this video is aimed for kids between the age of 8-12 years old. I wanted the video to be very colorful to attract their attention and give them an eye candy while the next show is being prepared.

After deciding which kind of animation I would be creating, I jumped into Cinema 4D and started to construct the scene.
This scene has a total of two assets, the ITV Logo, and the background plate.
After making the 3D model of the ITV Logo, I  then brought it into Cinema 4D, to be animated.
It starts very darkly, as the logo comes from the shadow but as lights are turned on it quickly gain life and a new contrast is created.
My intentions were to have the viewer feel like, he is getting ready for something special.
The secret for this animation was keyframing the texture and timing when the lights are being turned on and off, to match with the movement I was planning to replicate.
After the scene was set up, I keyframed the lights and the texture using an alpha mate applied to both assets, in this way producing the final video.

ITV - Behind the scenes using Cinema 4D - C4D animation

ITV - Behind the scenes using Cinema 4D - C4D animation
