Indomie Vintage Edition - Integrated Marketing

Background: Indomie - the country's most beloved brand - celebrated its 45th anniversary. How to make this a memorable celebration by bringing something that is memorable and yet enjoyable?
Thinking : Because it's a 45th years anniversary, why don't we bring back all the goodness of Indomie 45 years ago? So people can feel nostalgic about it, plus it's quite enjoyable for the young people to know what it is like the "olden-days-indomie"
Campaign Idea: Blast from the Past. 
We bring back all the olden days indomie, starting with "the-olden-days" basic flavors in vintage packs. These packs sold in an vintage packs illustration bags, and it's a rare collectable item. To promote it, we remake the old 1972 commercial using a youtube comedian and put some fun twists in it to sell the vintage packs. We also remake the 1972 print ad to promote them.
Result: Within only 2 days, the video hit a staggering 2 million views on Youtube, making it the most talked-about video in social media. The vintage packs sold fast, with online resellers rising to the occasion.
Agency: Mullenlowe Indonesia
Executive Creative Director: Afianto Makmun
Creative Group Head : Irza Fauzan
Senior Art Director : Wiwid Kuntjoro
Senior Copywriter : Adra Gesza
Design Director: Danang
Design Group Head : Ary Buy Shandra
3D Design Group Head : Denny Purwanto

Indomie Vintage Edition - Integrated Marketing