Manvi Gupta's profile


NMD is a shoe which is inspired by the past that empowers the future. It is one of the most desirable sneaker of today’s age. The challenge was to launch the shoe and tell the customer the inspiration behind the shoe, that is ALWAYS EVOLVING.The concept inspiration was taken by photo development dark rooms. The complete process of development of photograph is meticulous and something which is always evolving, just like the NMD shoe. The idea was translated into a seeding box invite and a product installation.
The invite  was inspired by the professional camera hard case which holds a photographer's equipment. The case was custom built to seed shoes to important celebrities and influencers.
A central installation was setup at the shoe launch event and was inspired by a photography lab, which was made interactive and digital to highlight the five key shoes. Photo enlargers were used as shoes highlighters and hundreds of bottles branded NMD were used as chemical bottles found in the lab. Water projections of content on the central installation which was inspired by the photo labs stop bath made the complete product story come alive. 
The biggest impact of the event  seen was on the sales of the shoe, which was sold out within 24 hours of launch.
The project was awarded the best VM installation at the VM&RD retail design awards 2018. 

