2018 graphic design trends

DIS-JOIN-TED TEXT - An interesting visual take on fontography, making abstract letter forms and bringing the text into a design itself. This gets attention onto the graphics as the design is scattered in its form.
BRIGHTNESS - Using a lot of bright , super bright and neon colors juxtaposed with opposing colors.
GLITCH - An imagery that looks like going into some kind of transformation due to digital interference. An art between the reality and the digital.
COLOR CHANNEL - Breaking out the RGB colors from a channel and overlaying it with a bit of transparency. Also will be seen a lot of this in text.
SLICED TEXT - Words being sliced and sometimes giving a feel of a collage till an extent and creates a lot of visual interest in typography.
INTEGRATION - Is where you take fonts and integrate is very closely with the image making a graphic that gives the feel that the image and the font are living in the same physical space rather than just laying on top of each other.
LIQUID - Gives the effect of a 3d liquid effect by giving visual highlights. Can also be used in a flat dimension.
FONT ILLUSTRATION - Using the font as an illustration either by adding an image or just by assembling the fonts themselves.

ICONIFICATION - Taking any element be it a photograph, illustration or vector and bringing it to a most simple form and creating an icon out of it.
PLAYBILL - Old posters in vogue again. Way back were used in 20s or 30s. Basically it is the layering of text in different shapes and forms.Can be used in packaging & music posters .
TEXT AS DESIGN - Using the text font as a design and creating an illustration out of the word. Making use of unusual fonts to bring the uniqueness into the graphic.
SYSTEMATIC COLOR - Used in corporate reports or advertising posters or magazines a specific color palate and a specific design layout in each page being used that makes it look very systematic.
TRANSPARENCY - Overlaying of geometric shapes made transparent mainly over black and white photographs.
2018 graphic design trends

2018 graphic design trends
