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Park Gorkogo Ice Cream

Park Gorkogo Ice Cream
The ice cream you may try only in a famous park

This simple package tells a graphic story of the park life. Several patterns, created for each type of ice cream, reflect the most interesting things in the park. This includes imagery such as ping pong places, chess club, the recreated sculpture of a girl with a paddle, a skateboarding park and many more. You can find tiny icons hidden inside the patterns that helps the viewer to guess what kind of activity is represented by each of the packages. If you look close you can notice a bicycle, a few ping-pong rackets, skate boars and even a satellite. Despite the fact that all packages are very bright, the basic color across all 7 patterns is beige — it has the direct association with an ice cream cup.

Серия упаковок разделена на несколько тем, каждая из которых посвящена одной из особенностей Парка. Благодаря маленьким текстовым подсказкам на этикетке и секретным элементам, спрятанным в паттерне, посетители смогут узнать, как можно весело и приятно провести время в Парке. В каждом из паттернов спрятано несколько «секретных» изображений про активности Парка, а слоганы подскажут о чем они. 
Small captions help the visitors to explore Park's features.
A famous statue of a woman with a paddle was popular among park visitors during the Soviet times.
Park Gorkogo Ice Cream

Project Made For

Park Gorkogo Ice Cream

A rebranding of the famous ice cream packaging for one of the biggest Moscow Parks.
