The Broken Man
ā€œMankind must put an end to war - or war will put an end to mankind.
ā€• John F. Kennedy, 1961

Wars were, are and will always be pointless. Wars are not being fought for democracy or peace. ItĀ“s all about money and power... Hundred years ago the First World War claimed the lives of millions of people, later the Second World War did the same on a larger scale. But we still havenĀ“t learned our lesson and nowadays there are still dozens of on-going wars and military conflicts in the world.

This collection is about the I World war and a young man. A young former soldier comes back from the war, back to his hometown. Nothing has changed here, but it doesnĀ“t feel like home anymore. How can such a person ever feel normal again and lead a restful life.
Desinger: Ralina Ahmetova
Photographer: Silke Schlotz
Models: Albert Lindt, Daniel MĆ¼ller
3. SemesterĀ“s Project - I World War
The Broken Man