Louis Cole - Blimp 


Do you wanna ride in my blimp, girl?
Do you wanna ride in my blimp?
See the night sky in my blimp, girl
Do you wanna ride in my blimp?

Do you wanna dine in my blimp, girl?
Do you wanna dine in my blimp?
Red wine and some shrimp, girl
Do you wanna dine in my blimp?

Do you wanna love in my blimp, girl?
Do you wanna love in my blimp?
I own an entire fucking blimp, girl
So do you wanna ride in my blimp?

Do you wanna ride?
Do you wanna ride?
Do you wanna ride?
Do you wanna ride?

Do you wanna ride?
Do you wanna ride?
Do you wanna ride?
Do you wanna ride?

Do you wanna ride in my blimp, girl?
Do you wanna ride in my blimp?

Do you want to?
Do you want to?
Do you want to?

Do you want to?
Do you want to?
Do you want to ride in my blimp?

Do you want to?
Do you want to?
Do you want to ride in my blimp?

Do you want to?
Do you want to?
Do you want to ride in my blimp?

Do you wanna ride in my blimp, girl?
Do you wanna ride in my blimp?


To start my research I read through the lyrics to see if I noticed anything different in reading the lyrics over listening to them. 

The first major thing to look at is what is a blimp. The whole song is a bout a blimp and going on one. So i looked up the definition of a blimp and it is a "a small airship or barrage balloon." So i then looked up a few pictures so I know what they look like. Below is an example.
There is also reference to the Night and being in the blimp at night so I know for the video I will need a few scenes that are night themed and different so that they stand out as being at night. Also he sings about getting shrimp and red wine. I was unsure of what a shrimp was so I looked it up and found this "a shrimp is a small free-swimming crustacean with an elongated body, typically marine and frequently of commercial importance as food."  And they look like this. 
I know what a bottle of red wine looks like so I will just have to draw one of them out and add it in for the part where it is mentioned.  The majority of the song is him singing about riding in the blimp but he does change tone and speed quite often so I will have to factor this in when doing the kinetic text/
Next to start on the after affects side I Started by adding in all the lyrics into the project. I feel like this will take the longest so I tried to get this out of the way.
I have been doing the lyrics for a week. It is probably the most boring thing I have done in my life and this song is so repetitive as well it was depressing. One good thing at least as it gave me time to think about what I want to do for the art styles.
Well most of the video will have to take place in a blimp. seeing the night sky in a blimp. Dining in a blimp and making love in a blimp. These are all my different scenes for the first paragraphs. The last paragraphs will be all repetition so i will have to try figure something out that will keep people entertained while watching the video. 

Below are a few bits of vector art that I plan on using in my video. I will also include some fonts that I am thinking of using in the video also. Choosing a font so far has been hard. I want to use a neat and clean font but I also have a temptation to use a font that is big and fluffy, kinda like a cloud.
So far these are the list of fonts that I am considering using. Personally I think that the first four fonts are hard to read so it is between the last 2. For my idea for the lyrics I want them to be a bit fluffy like a cloud. So I think that the last font would be best in this case.
Under This is a few bits of vector art that I will be using in the video also. These will make up what is going on in the background of the video.
Having picked a font I then moved into after effects, I had to change the font on the lyrics that I already put into my after effects file. I then had to move them around and re-size them so they are all the same size and line up nicely in a way that I was happy with. I set up the words to be like a stairs going down, each new word that pops up on screen will below the last letter of the word before it.

These are some of the bits of artwork that I have used throughout the music video. using these I pieced together my video. I used the position and scale properties inside after effects to move them around to give a bit of life to my video.
These are 2 storyboards for my 2 of my scenes, I used these storyboards to base the rest of my video off. 
Kinetic Text

Kinetic Text
