6th Semester, Winter 17/18
We‘re always told that the most accidents are happening at home. It‘s a continuing social problem. The risk increases with age and the average age of society is rising. The risk of accidents can be reduced a little but due to carelessness and overestimation accidents still happen. But the main problem is the lack of quick help especially when people live alone. If someone has fallen he has to remain lying on the floor with injuries and has to wait for someone to help, sometimes for a few days. That can have a devastating effect on his quality of life even if he gets up by himself.

That inspired me to develop a concept for an accident proof home. Oli, the smart-home assistant helps to make your house safer. The smart system detects if an accident happens. Immediately Oli can react specific on every situation by interacting with the person. He can call the emergency, notify members or give advice to get up safe. Oli also can detect safety gaps and warn before something happens. The flying feature allows Oli unlimited mobility to be there for you wherever you need him in your home.

