A smart air monitor system that works with house plants to clean the air in the home.

We spend about 90% of our time indoors with harsh chemicals and particulates constantly around us. Poor air quality from VOC's like formaldehyde, benzene and others found in cleaning products and household items affects overall health and well-being.

The current market of air filters and purifiers all share typical boxy aesthetic with obtrusive size. I wanted to rethink the device. Why can't we moderate the air in our interior environment the same way the exterior environment does? Naturally.

I researched the NASA Clean Air Study, which gives promising evidence of common indoor house plants eliminating toxins and cleaning air efficiently.

I wanted to give the system a clean, tech feeling with a form language that take cues of natural forms and textures and the environment that surrounds our homes, particularly plants. A naturally elongated and tapered form for planter and monitor symbolizes the growth and bloom of plants' roots, stems and leaves.

The concept slowly became two separate entities, a monitor and plant, but both working together after realizing a "smart" planter wouldn't be as practical or have the same freedom to move around the home for readings.

I changed the form of the pot throughout iterating to accommodate them stacking for easier shipping. An angled top seemed more inviting, friendly and less static.

I started with the intention of a digital monitor living in the soil of a plant. My bendy straw stem idea allows the monitor's solar panels to be positioned towards the sun, an idea I later came back to.
I then explored a post-less monitor in order for it to move around and gather data across a home and not give false readings if positioned in a "bubble" of clean air near plants.
I went with a flexible stem that can stand upright on a table, or twisted around furniture to create many possibilities around the home.

Aeris monitor is solar powered with battery backup. Air is constantly taken in through back side and sent to app. The flexible stem allows it to stand upright or twisted and hung around furniture. The pulsing ring of light on the front changes colors to notify user about current air quality.  

Air. More Transparent.
Air quality is detected through the monitor around a home and data is sent to the app. To improve specific areas of the home, plants are purchased to naturally filter and produce clean oxygen, creating a closed-loop system.  

Set Up
Download the Aeris app and give basic information about your home for the Aeris system to calibrate to and improve accuracy of data. Then, press power button on back to pair monitor to WiFi network and app.

The Aeris monitor will begin to intake current air in the home. Place the monitor in a different room each one day for app algorithm to determine air quality of rooms and overall home with a ppm analysis.

Aeris will give custom suggestions on what plants to purchase based on what is detected. Aeris pots are available online and at hardware stores and come in multiple sizes, with the smallest one having the ability to be hung. Take a photo of QR code to add plant to app.

When the monitor detects something foul, the ring of light will change colors. Aeris app will give a detailed breakdown and recommendations about temporary or more permanent fixes with plants. 

While opening windows and house cleanings are temporary, purchasing plants custom to the Aeris system will have a greater and longer benefit on the air and user's health. Aeris learns more about the home over time by itself which leads to more accurate predictions and recommendations.




A smart air monitor system that works with house plants to clean the air in the home.
