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Pareidolia Pics: Seeing Faces in Objects

Pareidolia Pics: Seeing Faces on Objects
I remember laying across the back of my parents' station wagon on family trips, looking up at the clouds, and seeing all kinds of beings interacting with each other. What a great way to pass the time as we made our way to the beach. There's a term for it -- pareidolia, which means seeing shapes out of randomness. I decided to create triptychs for each image, so you can follow along with me. From clouds to fantastical creatures.
I'm continuing this series! I was at my dentist's office receiving my dental cleaning when I noticed this doorknob. I took a photo of it, and when I was home, I drew what I saw. (It serves as a good reminder for me to floss daily!)
I have fun doodling faces and other creatures on top of photos I’ve taken, and I thought— why not enjoy the beautiful summer weather and take this project outside?! So, I packed up my new chalk markers (that wash away with water) and #goprohero9 camera, invited an old high school friend (with whom I’ve recently connected) to come along with me, mounted my motorcycle and off I rode to meet her in a quaint town nearby. We caught up on our lives as we hunted for faces in objects, and when we found something, she filmed me trying out the markers on different materials, like wood and metal. The stuff I drew is mega simple, as it was something new that I was trying out, but it didn’t matter because we had so much fun! She said it felt like a field trip, and I agree. Maybe it wasn’t the most interesting drawings I’ve drawn, but the connection, the journey, trying out something new, and having fun with a good friend was what made this day fulfilling for me. Grateful for a joyful and creative day! ☀️ 😎
Pareidolia Pics: Seeing Faces in Objects


Pareidolia Pics: Seeing Faces in Objects

Three step triptychs of cloud photos turned into imaginative illustrations.
