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Square Hues

Square Hues
'Square Hues' is the name we decided to give our Project, which refers to how all the citizens of Victoria conceive Centenial Square, all the hues that conform it. Some see it as an area where important events happen, other as a park where they can be with their family. With this Project we wanted to add one more hue, the Project consists of 4 playground instalations made out of Wood and colored acrylic sheets.
Each one of this structures has different activities for kids, the activities are the following:

•Climbing rocks and rope nets.
•Balance squares which will stimulate motor skills.
•Colored tunnel. Kids will be able to explore by sight and touch all the different materials and colors that will be reflected in the interior.
•Crazy squares is an obstacle made with ropes that can help practice problem analysis and the sense of accomplishment by passing an obstacle.
Square Hues