Uroš Perišić's profile

Intel– Cities of the Future

I had the opportunity to work with the great people from the Economist and help them visualize this future-forward city that is transformed with 5G and Intel. The concept revolved around the idea of creating an urban environment that will live on the Sketchfab platform and enable the viewer to interact with it and peek into every corner of the map, exploring every detail and also take a stroll through it in VR. The biggest challenge was the timeline of 2 weeks and also optimizing the scene so that it runs on desktop and mobile APIs.

Check out the full experience here.

Mouse click and drag– Orbit around
Shift + mouse –  Move left and right
Option + mouse– Zoom in and out

A diagram I created to showcase the information flow and connectivity between the consumers and network.
Concept/ Direction: Uros Perisic
3D Artists: 
Uros Perisic
Pete Germano
Aljosa Sologub
Chris Guiton

Client: The Economist/ Intel
Client CD: Kati Nawrocki
Client Producer: Zohray Brennan
Web Development: PMA Digital
Intel– Cities of the Future

Intel– Cities of the Future
