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Jean Baudrillard

Baudrillard mentions the map and the earth at the beginning of his book. Truth, hyperscore and touching the definitions of simulation slowly touches the artificial, questions the truth. Since today's values ​​are in fact a mechanism, the valuable person is invaluable in saying that the thesis and the anti-thesis are valued and depreciated over time, because it is in fact desired to be valued. Urban transformations provide close proximity to these contexts if architectural pain is approached from the path of the earth and the map. Urban transformations are now hyperglycemia. Truth is simulated and depreciates and the simulacrum comes to life. Nowadays, there is a pile built with the image of sustainability and this sustainability is animated in the eyes of people with an innocent image, building the real estate market, economy, sectoral support, and ratios. In this way, your sustainability is simulated, causing cities to be massacred and to be transformed into truth and nature, that is, Baudrillard's land and map contexts. Modernizmin is also the original. The truth and the simulation are a hyperglycem that is indistinguishable. A hyperactivity that serves to different interests dissolved in truth but advertised in the definition of modernity. Now the simulated nature of your sustainability is also artificial. What kind of man can live in nature? the simulation gave rise to a new simulation, expanding to the ring.
    The effect of the simulation in architecture is not only with urban transformation; I think Jean is one of the best models used by the architect to create the simulation by talking about authoritarians and legislation. It has even become an authority that goes beyond Modell. Architecture and memory are the most unique examples of the world. Architecture supports the power of simulation, its power, the wildest side of capitalism. The most concrete example that appears in my mind is the restoration of architecture; the creation of a temporal change, the occasional rebuilding or vice versa, the deliberate destruction of the loneliness, the addition and editing of a new simulation. In historical transformation, forms of government, social needs and politics between countries are constantly changing. It is the desire to keep the authority alive or to forget it. This is a political choice, and according to the simulation to be kept alive, architecture offers desire. Truth is not to take hold of the facts and real history, but to support and fame the existing authority. Discovering gold is not a simulation anymore? What is important now is the efficiency, the architectural element? Çatalhöyük has lost its truth like earth and map. Is the precious architectural? Does architecture protect gold for Roman pillars to protect its own self? Which one is really the simulation? With restoration, new simulations can be created, new stories can be born, scripts can be written again and again by the rulers and architects. It is to create a simulation of the departure of statues, monuments, temples and many other symbolic structures. The existing authority, the sovereignty, the society, the cultures and the administration are to be made open to the emotions that are given to the people. Architecture that can transfer fear, obedience, excitement, nationalism, religion, freedom to social memory like a tablet. Restoration is the dirtiest architecture in the hand.

A person who can not give himself a sacrifice can be neither a king nor a chef (2). This promise of Jean shows that the simulation feeds on the hope that the human beings carry it. It takes its original existence from the limitlessness of hope, which finds its place in eternity. This is a political scenario. The idea of ​​anti-Vietnam war and fascism, deterrence and hope nourish the antithesis of the antithesis and raise the antithesis. People base their preferences and formations on hope. With this context, the deterrence method achieves this success. Obedience, gratitude and gratitude are proportional to the size of despair and the smallness of hope. No matter how dark the despair over time, people will call this position hope beyond what they initially feel desperation, and this turning point is where fascism really begins. Baudrillard 's presidents and fascist thoughts are vizier - pawn associations, and I think that the states form the matrix of the secret organization structures. It is important that the simulation is important locations, companies, states and brands. People, individuals never get involved. The authority and positions are constant. The pawns are heads of state.

From the Baudrillard Loud family, you are the 'model', 'you are the majority' of the common field of the television and cinema industry. Being you is not one, on the contrary it is the individualism that modernism brings. If there is no connection between you and what you are interested in, the social response will not be spoken, if it is told you, but not us, it will be alienated. For example, as in urban transformation, sustainability proves to be within the simulation here too. Nature is condemned to eternity forever. An image of a demolition of a neighboring parcels of news or an earthquake seen on television in newspapers will not affect my birth, it is your nature. This unity is not a coincidence, but that it is as if it belongs to me as if it belongs to me. Forgetting the universality and integrity of nature, forgetting that we are a module of nature, it causes misunderstanding, indifference and unresponsiveness. 'I think you are speaking, it's yours, it's your problem' is the overall tone of modernization in the sector focused. I think that this thinking, which is the main monad of your individuality and modernity, is innocently positivist. Individual indexed designs, us and our voiced tagged series, life style / conceptual conscious cities show people's focal point of the buildings, or is it a simulation based on the consumption of truth? How much do we support this simulation in design and architecture? Where do we place our design camera at the back of the user and the kitten, and from which point of view are we forced to look at the perspective?
Maybe we can think in the life model, not just for the television and the cinema world, but for the same thoughts from social media. The feeling that some of us are watching comes from supply. It is the definition of today's existence. Social media is pleasing to the audience. We want to see social media and reach more people. Shares made are simulations that satisfy our desire to exist every day. The more followers we gain is the more we have. 1 (suddenly) feelings to exist forever. We gain our social identity and social influence in these circles and we have evidence. At the same time, this is not only a case for social media, it also exists in our professional elections and in our social class. The basis of being a good "something" lies in our feeling of being, and this is a simulation we create for our own world. What applies to many professions is not the desire to do their job well, but rather to reach the masses, to gain recognition for fame, position, seat, population, is a direction oriented in the direction of interests. These facts make us exist. As we get to know it, we get more reputation in the world as we grow up, we get more pleasure in reaching the world. In social media, this feeling is dominant and it is tailored for it. But social media is a form of government so that the framework is always under control by a certain community, making it easier for people to manage and access. Although the simulation is an infinite platform, it does not present it to its users. The materials that appear on the advertising panel of the screen are set according to our interests, and the parts we know are based on the zümrem. Shortening this circle is one of the most effective methods of restricting information sharing. It is possible today to reach thousands of people between continents, but management has never been preferred.

   I believe that the simulations in the film industry should be rethinked, starting with the interpretation and suburban analogy of Jean on hypermarkets and transportation. This analogy made me think of Hollywood 's Scary Bird series, which is one of the main films of our day. The roads to the capital and districts in the film led to the link between the simulation of railway scenes and the consumption madness in third world countries. housing estates that were built many metro network and new as it was in Turkey, I think configured in accordance with this theory. Urban planning and strategies offer luxury and false scenes to people as a product of a consumption-indexed simulation. The circulation network flowing from the plazas and the shopping centers to the ghetto is constructed with metro lines under the ground. I think consumption is the proof of the formation of hypergravity by capturing the reality of the simulation of formation at maximum level in the 3rd world countries. Adolf Loos describes the development levels of countries as follows: "if you are interested in the level of development of an country, look at the walls of public toilets" (3). In my opinion, the development levels of countries are inversely proportional to the shopping centers in the country.

Based on Baudrillard's complete participation in the theory of simulation as well as all his criticisms of religion, politics, cinema, consumption and administration, I think life is now at its deepest and that it is an indestructible Trojan War. It never happens, but it always happens. I also think that in the light of awareness that Baudrillard has created in his mind, his thoughts and advocations may also be a simulation. I portray a septic way of self-inflicted wound. I think that the awareness created by Jean is a new direction and management system that will refute its own awareness and go away as it did in the same simulations over time. I believe that it is the same simulation with a simulation that is not true and that it is a system that can never destroy each other, and this cycle has been here since the birth of new rings. The information that was sent to the reader was the basis of the septic thinking and carrying the character of being a simulacrum. They never existed ever existed.


Simülakrlar ve Simülasyon, Jean Baudrillard, Doğubatı yayınevi, 11.basım, 2017

Simülakrlar ve Simülasyon, Jean Baudrillard, Doğubatı yayınevi, 11.basım, 2017, Gerçeğin Yerini Alan Simülakrlar, sayfa:46

Süsleme ve Suç, Adolf Loos

Monadoloji, G. W. Leibniz



