MAREN GAGNE's profile

Itty Bitty Bonsai

 Itty Bitty BONSAI   
As a professional gardener I assist in tending and shaping a variety of formal topiary, but sadly I've never pruned any bonsai. Here are a few illustrations to make up for that.
Sawara Cypress, a handsome evergreen with delightful structure.
It's impossible not to love an Octopus Tree, they are cartoony in the extreme .
Chinese Fringe Flowers have gorgeous, dramatic foliage!
Barberry bushes are actually illegal to plant in New Hampshire. They spread like wild fire and they are incredibly prickly, but I love them because in addition to making decent bonsai subjects they make good topiary! 
Hawthorn have lovely flowers, which add fun seasonal interest.
I've never met a Limeberry, but I hope to some day.
Ponderosa Pine sometimes grow thin and leggy, but they possess an abundance of personality.
The light colored tips of new growth on Procumbens Juniper makes it very handsome!
Itty Bitty Bonsai

Itty Bitty Bonsai

Small bonsai illustrations in colored pencil


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