Cobus Engelbrecht's profile


Small scale farming is a self-sustained system that can make a huge difference in a community with very few resources. It can provide food, produce can be sold to make money and it can be implemented at schools as a learning tool about the environment, sustainability and taking responsibility.You can also make nutritious soil for your garden by composting kitchen leftovers, which is a very sustainable way to maintain your small garden. Even a precious resource like water can benefit from urban gardening - waste water that’s filtered can be used to irrigate plants and a system to do this will be very easy to implement.

About the WF/C: Both of these units can be placed in the garden and will serve as tools to improve your sustainable urban garden. The composter can make use of the previous night’s leftovers to produce nutrient-rich soil , while you can use the clean water from your filter unit to nurture your plants.


Urban Gardening


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