1 + The Golden Ratio

We realized that we need a new name and logo for our design studio. It took quite a long time to find the right name for our studio. Our desire was to join the number 1 and the golden ratio. So this is our new brand. 

Enjoy the project!
Under the Laws of The Golden Ratio

We love harmony design with beauty proportion, so we often using the golden ratio in our work. Like Leonardo Da Vinci :). Symbol in our logo is number one created in golden proportion.  
Two Rectangles + One Triangle

PHI-ONE's sign is created with just three basic shapes: two rectangles and one triangle.
The Golden Ratio Colors

Solid white with 62% opacity white for dark background. 100% #231F20 with 62% opacity version for white background. 
100:1.618=62 (the rule of Golden Ratio)

Project Made For


Personal branding. PHI-ONE logo.
