viral and banner campaign
Telenor Group is one of the world’s major mobile operators with close to 150 million mobile subscriptions in 14 countries across Europe and Asia.

The task was to develop a banner and viral campaign to promote mobile parking.


When I pay for parking with cash I always have to be frightened of the faster parking guard who punishes me before I insert my coins into the parking meter and get back to my car with the parking tickets.
This is a typical phenomenon in Hungary where the parking meters are sometimes far from the cars and it gives the opportunity to the sneaking parking guards to take advantage of this situation to scatter some penalties.

When mobile parking was introduced, the paying process for parking became much
easier: no need for cash, no need for searching the proper parking meter just pushing some
buttons on the phone.
While life of the drivers became much more simple and comfortable, parking guards became
more and more depressed because they can make less and less people to pay a fine.

This banner concept dramatizes how our hero screws the creeping and cruel parking guard with a well-timed mobile button pushing at the last second before the sloan penalty.


The next example shows the entertaining connection of the layer and a traditional banner on a funny way while we look at the article paragraphs as if they were buildings from bird perspective.
A guard who is extremely frustrated because he can make no one to pay a fine. Every single driver paid for parking with the help of their mobile phone. It’s so funny to see that not the driver but the guard is the one who worries.
In this video a psychiatrist explains that more and more parking guards are among his patients. Their symptoms are really frightening: aggression coupling with frustration. The reason is simple: the guards’ life became meaningless after the introduction of mobile parking, so they had to relieve the tension somehow.
This video follows the story of the parking guard from the first part who became completely depressed because he can make no one to pay a fine. No more worrying pensioners, no more stressed mothers with children, no more frustrated drivers. He is the only one who is heavyhearted, so he decides to immigrate to Siberia where people know nothing about mobile phones.
Telenor - viral

Telenor - viral

Viral and banner campaign for Telenor to promote mobile parking service.
