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Amal Unbound book cover

Amal Unbound

Book cover artwork for Aisha Saeed's story about a young Pakistani girl who uses her smarts to bring down the feudal system. The cover needed to show the idea of Amal being held captive but also that her dream of a better life, of freedom, will come true. Her hands are held together like a prayer and the henna patterns and open skies come to life within her palms.

Amal Unbound is published by Penguin Random House and is now a New York Times bestseller.
Find the book online here.

Sketches: Round 1
Amal envisions a better life and will make her dreams a reality
Sketches Round 2
Figuring out henna designs and symbols of entrapment and hope
Sketches: Round 3
Refining the earlier looser sketch of hands and their symbolism
Color Options
Final cover art
Photo by Emily X.R. Phan
Amal Unbound book cover

Amal Unbound book cover

Cover art for Amal Unbound- a story about a fiesty Pakistani girl who brings down a feudal lord.
