Travail d'art graphique sur la persistance rétinienne "See, saw, seen" imprimé comme un journal, et double lecture dans l'organisation des photos

The topic of this retinian perstistance editing project Propagation (spread) was to give complete freedom to the interpretation of this word. Whether blast, fire, giant bacteries, alien invasion or terrorism, the mind is free to dream up what kind of spread is invading the urban scenary without guessing what kind of things the intermixed photographies are made of. I first took pictures of a bath bomb and cropped them. Then I photographed low-income housing in parisian suburbs and in La Defense business center. 
I eventually merged them to create photomontages and collages. For this newspaper-like documentary I chose a thin paper without binding. Thus for each picture, they are two consistent ways to look at them whether page by page or by separating the loose pages.

See, saw, seen