Katrin K. Radovani's profile

30 Days of (Art) Selfies

"30 Days of Art Selfies" was an art challenge and an online experiment of sorts, that I did during the summer break of 2016.
In this project, I tried to do an art "selfie", a self-portrait, per 30 days, and upload it online on my Facebook and Instagram account without editing, regardless how the painting looks like and regardless of the quality of the photo or its finish level. The paintings were done in various mediums and at a varied level of finishing.
The challenge was great as I never was a fan of selfies *nor a dedicated social media user, plus it was a very busy period of life. The upload was usually done in haste, as I struggled to (and mostly failed) to finish a painting per day, and the quality of the photos was poor, as it was taken with camera phone. However, the failure was the essential part of the project and the unfinished work, or the skipped blank pages, play the equally important part in the row.
The project really helped me to break out of the perfectionistic tendencies and to understand my process of work furthermore. The project can be viewed on my Instagram and Facebook. 

Day 1: "I wish I was a tree", in acrylics                                      Day 2: "Giant's Ring, War Games, Murder Ball and My Foot"

Day 3: "Memento Mori; Celebrations, Stews and Lughnasa Wine"                                            Day 4: "Visions"
Day 5: "New Moon Nights"                                                              Day 7: "I hide"
Day 8: "Untitled or the Beaver Forest"                                   Day 9: "In that Place of Perfect Stillness - Self-portrait with 
                                                                                                           Unicorn and Nataraja 
Day 10: "My Wilderness and I"                                                                      Day 12: "On mindblowing facts, age and illusions -                                                                                                                                   Self-portrait in a pub while being portraited by Pete"
Day 11: "Dreams of Siberian Trees"                                                   Day 14: "Purgatory; My Shadow Dances Through the                                                                                                                                       Curtains and across the Wooden Floor"
Day 19: "Reading existentialism and contemplating existence;            Day 20: "The Sun shines for two full days in a row then                      yellow self-portrait with candles"                                                           it rains; or; Summer in the North"     
Day 21: "Full Moon; The Oracle"                                                 Day 23: "Ode to Life on The Road" 
Day 24: "A Cup of Tea in the Castle"                                         Day 26: "Midnight Contemplations and Late Night Talks in Kilbaha"
30 Days of (Art) Selfies

30 Days of (Art) Selfies

"30 Days of Art Selfies" was an art challenge and an online experiment of sorts, in which I struggle to finish a "selfie", a self-portrait, a day Read More
