Terrain d'entente, is a project that I developed during an artistic residency at Insertio in Québec city. Insertio is a research laboratory (James Partaik, Luc Lévesque and Hernando Barragán) that aims at the realization of electronic/digital art projects that integrate architecture and the urban landscape. Insertio sets up residencies for artists as a platform to carry out, in situ, contextual artistic explorations. These residences are an occasion for exchanges between artists researchers, technicians, students and inhabitants of the housing co-op where the Lab's apartment is located.
Photo taken by : Delphine Egesborg
On the one hand, the project seeks to question the role that technology plays in our daily life and, on the other hand, the way in which this is reflected in the spaces we inhabit. Thus, the project took place in the inner courtyard of the cooperative. It combines the notion of a garden with that of sound to explore the different ways in which people have settled in the housing cooperative Accordéons-nous, and how this place became their home. The installation proposed a hybrid vertical garden that when approached triggered sound compositions created from interviews I conducted to the neighbours.
Photo taken by : Delphine Egesborg
Choosing the combination of garden and sound as a field of experimentation has several implications. The garden is a common place, a place we are familiar with and with which we all have a relationship. In addition, the garden offers one of the most important bonds that can be made when one lives somewhere, that which is made with the land. The garden represents "to be rooted", to settle down and prepare for the future that lies there. In this case, it also represents the collective spirit of a cooperative. In turn, thanks to its evocative quality, sound makes it possible to create compositions that respond to the lived experience of each of the inhabitants, compositions inspired by their stories, fragments (sounds) of what they left and life that they built in Quebec. Thus, the sound is decontextualized and renewed by being part of the garden.
Photo taken by : Delphine Egesborg
I designed the structure using toxiclibs library for processing, more precisely using the voronoi algorithm. The base was then edited as an .sgv file, and the joints were drawn by hand in Illustrator to be cut using a CNC. The wood planks were measured and cut in a wood workshop. The base sandboxes fulfilled two purposes: they stabilized the structure and they offered a space for the kids of the coop to play. The installation of the structure was done in three days time.
Terrain d'entente