Gosha Bondarev's profile

Book covers in two languages| Goshawaf

I am a huge fan of reading and I see a lot of boring and ugly covers in book stores.

I know how cool when your favourite book have a beautiful and interesting cover because in that case you have something gorgeous on your bookshelf. And you want to show that book to other people.

That is why I took some of books that I read recently and created my own covers for them.

Я очень много читаю и часто вижу не очень красивые и скучные обложки в магазинах.

Я понимаю насколько круто, когда у любимой книги красивая и продуманная обложка, которая радует глаз на полке, которую хочется показать всем вокруг.

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Book covers in two languages| Goshawaf


Book covers in two languages| Goshawaf
