John Bondoc's profile

Office Tosser VR

Office Tosser is a student project by Team Coffee Coffee Coffee done at the CDM in Vancouver, Canada.  The project was for a Game design class and took three months to complete from design document to the digital prototype seen below.  

Office Tosser was designed for The Oculus Rift on the Unity game engine.  3D assets from Google Poly and Adobe Fuse aided in incredibly efficient prototyping and development.
Office Tosser was a great project to learn the benefits of working AGILE.  The game concept was very simple so we were able to move from concept document to prototype very quickly.
Our first prototypes were a lot of fun-  we locked ourselves in a meeting room and threw paper balls at each other.  We noted all the different things we each did to add to the game:  ducking, using objects at shields, pump-faking, etc.  The game was fun at this early stage of prototyping, so we knew we had something that would be fun in VR.
It was difficult to let go of some control of how the final product would turn out.  As an experienced designer of physical products, it feels weird not executing something you had a vision for and relying on user testing to dictate where the project would go.

But the speed at which you can iterate on software is so much faster than with physical product, you'd be a fool not to test your game as often as you can.  
...and test we did.  The team tested over a dozen users just throwing paper balls and paper planes at each other.  We tested over sixty users on our digital prototypes and brought in friends, family, and professional game designers to play our game and give us feedback and valuable tips.
Team Coffee Coffee Coffee is:

Rex - UX
Daniel - Developer
Jing - Art Director
Chloe - Project Manager
John - Project Owner/ Artist
Office Tosser VR

Office Tosser VR

Office Tosser is a student project by Team Coffee Coffee Coffee done at the CDM in Vancouver, Canada.  The project was for a Game design class an Read More


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