LFP香料香水實驗室 專注於每一支香水的誕生,協助每個人從嗅覺體驗、調香實作中,創造專屬自己的獨特氣味,讓香水不再是大量複製,而是可以詮釋無二的個人特色。

Laboratory of Fragrance and Perfume is an independent platform for customizing perfume. We assist individual to design and create their own bespoke perfume. Perfume is no long under the system of mass production, instead, it can truly express your own personal style.


台灣  . 人 . 聞 . 創 │ 駁二藝文特區

嗅覺雨林 - 火腿極限藝術聯展 │ 火腿藝廊 

紳士行旅 - 旅人印象特展 │ 林果良品


Art Direction & Design  : 蔣慧霆 Tina Chiang
Photography  : 蔣慧霆 Tina Chiang  

LFP Exhibition

LFP Exhibition
