We are very happy and proud to present you our latest work for the Brussels based visitor management company Proxyclick : proxyclick.com

This serie of 4 videos is the result of a nice and fruitful collaborative process between ourselves, Proxyclick and Central Design : central.team

Some of the interesting challenges we had to overcome when conceptualising the videos and then producing them were :

* Create videos that would work embedded into Proxyclick website or as stand alone 

* Create videos that could work with or without sound. 

* Create videos that would demonstrate the numerous feature and ability of the Proxyclick solution while staying short and enjoyable

* Define a specific “style” of video that could speak to the wide array of company already using Proxyclick’s solution (for ex : Airbnb, PepsiCo, L’oréal, Audi, …)

* Make the video work for the US market while keeping an european touch

You can watch the result of this process on our Vimeo either as a combined video or as four separate ones. 

Thanks again to everyone involved :)


Director & Director of Photography : Corentin Kopp
Central Design supervisor : Quentin Delobel
Production : Lallali
Assistant Director : Mat Harford
Cast : Belinda, Alan, Rudy, Zoé, Leslie Mark, Kumi, Stéphane, Christoffer, Kathy, Marcella, Michel - Casting : Sien Josefine 
Make Up : Lila Vander Elst
Camera Assistant : Arthur Anger
Gaffer : Takeiki Flon
Key Grip : Cyrille Hermant
Electrician / Grip : Theo Fernandez
Set Design : Delphine Coërs, Anna Terrien, Cécile Balate, Arthur Hermans
Location Manager : Arthur Ancion
Post-Production : Pascal Oberlin & Boris Wilmot
Music : Sonix


Jean-Marie, Frank, Claude and everyone @ Eye-Lite
Joel and everyone @ KGS
Studio 202 & Hanan
Central Design 
Gregory, Geoffroy and everyone @ Proxyclick
Atelier L'Ad Hoc

