Timeless, vast, stripped of detail, somehow distorted and close to abstraction – a play is established 
between real and other. Landscapes evoke alienation and a certain sense of remoteness. Long vistas 
blurring with the horizon, structures and objects reminiscent of reality, but remaining unfamiliar. 

LICITUS is a science fiction graphic novel. The edition was conceived as a rigorous research into the science fiction literature and its illustration tradition. It explores the continuum of visual tendencies and methods breaching from literature and illustration to film. This research lead into the reconsideration of the codex book 
in terms of its qualities as a familiar object, translating the already established science-fiction illustrative norms 
as means of altering its essence. 

The graphic novel undertakes a transition from the ‘outer’ space of the book – the cover, where science fiction illustration is usually featured – to the deeper sites of its ‘inner’ body – the inside pages of the book. This opens space for creating a sequential narrative that uses illustrative characteristics specific to the genre - timeless,
vast, stripped down of detail, close to abstraction – establishing a play between reality and fiction.

Licitus was honored with Best Graphic Literature Award from Atlantic Press (2017) and was granted 
with the Gaudenz Ruf (2019).


