yanan xu's profile

Project 2 Brief

Project 2 Brief
My client is Shogakukan Inc. The main industry of Shogakukan is publishing. The meaning of Shogakukan in Japanese is primary school. So, the original purpose of this company is publishing some magazines, manga, light novels and DVDs for children. Takeo Oga founded Shogakukan in 1922. After 95 years, Shogakukan became one of the largest publishing groups in Japan.
The overall purpose shows an inspirational story to young people. I was trying to provide a motivational shot animation to Shogakukan and this animation would be inserted into film beginning, just like a public service AD. The reason that I chose this company because the main target group is children and I was really into Japanese animation when I was child. The animation influenced me a lot. Through positive energy story and frame by frame hand drawing animation in the project, the company’s brand identity and business could be enhanced by using this animation. The project also could bring more wages and opportunity for improving drawing skills.

Target Market
Teenagers are the target market. They are generally 12 to 18 years old with naïve or active thinking.
Pictures or Copy
It is a frame by frame animation that each second has 24 digital plate painting.
Project Specification and Deliverables
Around 1 minutes animated short.
Software: TVpaint, Adobe Pr
Size: 1024*768 pixels
Format: AVI
Project 2 Brief

Project 2 Brief
