Sanskruti Hambir's profile

Into the lives of Naggar Weavers

Into the Lives of Naggar Weavers

This project is about collaborating with individual artisans through making a collection of motifs.  I have used stories / beliefs of the Naggar community to make new motifs which can lead to an understanding of what this community of Naggar think about the modern world, their perspective of life would lead to the unity of the community or something that binds them all together, making them unique. Taking inspiration from nature, wood carvings around the community, I made these panels in their style of work and material to use them in shawls designs.

Every place has its own story; I am very intrigued by beliefs and the stories behind it. I visited Naggar, Himachal Prasesh. I lived with them and learnt their crafts. With various conversations with them and sharing life stories and beliefs, I was inspired by their stories and beliefs. 
I collected various stories through conversations with the weavers and the other villagers around; verbally. From these stories the motifs were then designed.
Learning various skills

Story 1
At the beginning of spring, everyone listens to one particular bird chirp which resembles a white pigeon called Chidu in their local language. They believe when you listen to this bird chirp while working it is a good luck.
Woven Pieces
Story 2
There was a man who could understand and talk to every living thing. One day a very big snake surrounded his house and rested his head in front door of the house. Since the man could understand what the snake was trying to say, he cured the snake’s wound for that was the reason the snake came there in the first place. In return, the snake offered protection from all evil.
Woven Pieces
Story 3
When a child is born, a person coming to visit will have to take a bath first and only then can enter the house. The person also has to take a bath after leaving the house for cleanliness purposes. They believe this way the person entering the house is clean and brings in no negative vibes.
Woven Pieces
Story 4
There was a big stone under a waterfall in Vashisht. It is believed that the devi-devtas in the form of bees picked up the stone and brought it to Naggar because this stone contains a lot of powers.
Woven Pieces
Story 5
A lamp is lit in a home when someone from the house dies. They keep the lamp lit for the first thirteen days because they believe that, that keeps the spirit away from the house and gets peace. In order to keep the lamp lit continuously, the men of the community stay awake all night to guard the lamp.
Woven Pieces
Story 6
Pulla chappals are used when going to the temple in winters. While visiting the temple in the winter, they wear these chappals while walking on the snow and enter the temple too. According to them rubber or leather is not pure to wear inside the temple, whereas, pulla chappals are made of canola (plant).
Woven Pieces
Into the lives of Naggar Weavers


Into the lives of Naggar Weavers


Creative Fields