Keka Ramirez's profile


Do you think you know enough about humpback whales? Did you hear about their mystically world and meaning? Did you know humpback whales are important to Zulú tribe in Africa? Welcome to Humpback whale project, please continue reading and discover this amazing humpback whale world. 

This project was made and exposed to sell all pieces to help @Fundación Leucas, with the propose to give them money to continue the beautiful work of preserve Colombian ecosystem and seas. 

This project started with an investigation about Humpback whales migration in Europe and Africa and we used a design methodology made by Andrea Saltzman in her book El cuerpo Diseñado (2015). This design methodology helped to us to do an investigation about functional, formal and symbolic aspects which carry us to take an amazing mythology from Africa. 

Zulú tribe has an amazing story about humpback whales. Do you know humpback whales are as death God in Africa? Do you know Zulú's tribe dance when they see a humpback whale in the coast of the sea or if these whales are in the beach, they help them to return to the sea? Do you know humpback whale is the "Winged whale" to Africans? thanks to an amazing investigation, we could obtain the next Zulu mythology. 

This story tells that Sulemani's was a king of an important tribe and he wanted to feed all life form around the world. He asked to God to have this power and he listened him, but as answer God send him a big sea animal, as a bigger humpback whale. It was so bigger that seems it has a continent in its back and so bigger that it started to eat all food in the kingdom. This bigger animal ate all food and ask Sulemani for more food, Sulemani was scared and ask to this big animal how many as it came? and it answered: - 70.000 as me come now. Sulemani ask again to God for forgiveness, because he did not have enough power to feed all life form in the world. 

We did a Moodboard from this investigation and after this we did a Graphical Synthesis.
After this, we did a Modular process to finally do amazing graphical structures. 

And here we go with the gallery pictures of the Sulemaní Mythology. This pictures was taken by: Wega and AR3 (Angelica Ramirez)
LIGHTING BOX (Zulu Humpback whale mythology)

This graphic piece was made with opaline. Humpback winged wale was made with modules from 12,5 cm to 5 cm with Origami Technique and wings were made with the same origami module but in a different folds. This modules were put together in a gradation form. The tree was made by Kirigami Technique and we wanted to do an special tree from Africa called "Baobab". The Island where is Sulemani was made with Origami and Sulemani was made by Kirigami too. Pictures taken by: Wega (William Giraldo) and AR3 (Angelica Ramirez)

POP UP Book (Made by the same Sulemani's story)

This book is representing Sulemani's story but it was made with Kirigami technique. Pictures taken by: Wega (William Giraldo)

TOTEM (Inspired by Zulú tribe symbols and investigation)
We had the opportunity to met Dr. Jorge Reynolds Pombo, an Ingenieur who made the first external pacemaker in 1958 inspired by the analysis of the Humpback whale and his electrocardiography. 

Humpback whales are mystic, are special and we need to understand that they are killed by a lot of countries in name of "Investigation". If someday they disappear, we'll disappear too. Everything need an equilibrium and ancestral tribes like Zulú show us why humpback whales are important, why humpback whales are more than just big sea animals.  

This project was made by: William Giraldo (WEGA); Nicolas Ferro (FERRO); Gabriela Contreras; Angélica Ramírez (AR3).

