Kuukua Wilson's profile

The human skeleton

These are some of the completed works from the past four months (September-December 2017) in the 1st semester of my scientific illustration masters program. These works explored the structural and technical aspects of drawing; my main interest in all of these illustrations was to focus on the details of the specimen and reproduce as much of them as possible.

Media used: Graphite (4H, 2H, HB, 2B)
The specimen used for this illustration seemed to have suffered some longterm injuries that are apparent. The most noticeable are: the missing/broken 5th rib on the right side of the specimen, the scoliosis of the vertebral column, and the fractured/damaged pelvis. Another that is more visible when you take a closer look at the lumbar part of the vertebral column is the formation of Osteophytes (or "parrot beaks"/ bone spurs) of a few vertebrae.   
The human skeleton


The human skeleton

illustration of an anatomical spine
