This was a live brief given to the DUT third year group by Paton & Tupper. We were required to propose a new look and feel for a chocolate bar, already on the market. And also design a re-launch campaign, including instore and viral promotions. It contains Guarana, Ginseng and Vitamins which give you an energy boost. Through my re-design I attempted to give the product a solid identity which would appeal to trendy, active young adults. FFWD chocolate bars have a unique edge over the normal chocolate bar, but can't quite be put in the same competitive catagory as health bars and other energy/protein bars. This puts the product in quite a unique position. I drew inspiration from the clean Adidas identity. When biting into the chocolate, a bright blue, energy filled center is revealed. This blue colour stands out amongst the competitors, on a shelf.

I wanted to keep production and cost in mind. The package design is simple and uses 3 key colours, and would be easy to produce on mass.
Chocolate wrapper re-design

POS Counter top display box
POS In Store Display
Promotional Poster
Shelf Wobbler


A package re-design for a chocolate bar, as well as a promotional re-launch strategy.
