About this project- The purpose of this project was to design a slogan conveying an important message the café wanted all its customers to be aware of at all times. This slogan design was done for a café located in the Law building of the University of Baltimore.

The Problem- This café trained and provided jobs for juvenile delinquents who were learning and were not always efficient in their jobs. The café wanted to convey to all their customers that this place is a training ground and the customers should try and be patient and tolerant in an effort to reduce customer grievances and café losses.

Team- Flying solo

We were told to read and do some research about the cafe before going there and conducting interviews. Based on this research, we were supposed to come up with our version of slogans representing what the cafe meant to us and a slogan design based on this perception. I did 2 designs as below-
Authoritative and Adult
Friendly and Youth

Data collection, Observations, and Interviews-  We went to the cafe and met with their assistant director who told us about the demography of the employees working in the cafe, how the cafe is run and the problems they face on a day to day basis. Some photos and my notes can be seen in the pictures below.

The Assistant Director of the cafe wanted us to design slogans which were both serious and whimsy representing the mood of the cafe. Some of my initial designs with the feedback-
Version 1- Serious and Whimsy Slogans
Version 2- Incorporating the feedback received in version 1
Version 3- Adding Tracking, Kerning or Leading to any 2 of the above designs. Images with feedback about suggestions for improvement.
Version 4- Improving on Version 3 by incorporating the feedback received
Version 5- Adding Color!!! Yaayy my world is colorful again!
Final Designs!

Learned the use of different typefaces
Learned to use typefaces as per the mood and theme of a design

Slogan Design

Slogan Design


Creative Fields