Postcards - Schoolproject 2015
// Choose 3 Dutch proverbs and make a three coloured, illustrated three-part series of these chosen proverbs.
The three proverbs I designed are:

1) Blauw bloed hebben / Blue blooded. (means being of noble origin).
2) Ieder huisje heeft zijn kruisje / Each house has its cross. (means every household has his issues).
3) In het land der blinden is éénoog koning / In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.
(means even a small talented person has a great advantage in the company of those with lesser abilities.)
// Blauw bloed hebben / Blue blooded
// Ieder huisje heeft zijn kruisje / Each house has its cross.
// In het land der blinden is éénoog koning / In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.
Postcards - 2015