Chiao Yu Chen's profile

藝數之間Between Art and Mathematics

藝‧數之間-解開藝術的密碼  Between Art and Mathematics: Decoding the Artworks
2017藝術銀行當代藝術展The Contemporary Art Exhibition of Art Bank Taiwan
指導單位:文化部     主辦單位:國立台灣科技大學人文藝術中心    執行單位:國立台灣美術館、 藝術銀行ART BANK
本次展覽以「數學產生藝術Mathematics Produces Art」、「數學構成藝術Mathematics Composes Art」、「數學激發藝術Mathematics InspiresArt」為三個展示子題,試圖呈現藝術與數學之間巧妙的關係與聯結。由古希臘時期強調和諧與比例的美學至文藝復興時期將透視法應用於平面繪畫、現代以幾何色塊與線條表現的抽象藝術、在大自然中隨處可見的碎形(fractal)圖樣、平面與立體空間關係的辯證等,都是數學的美的展現。進入數位時代後,電腦鍵盤與滑鼠取代過去的物理工具,藝術家的創作方式自此更有了無限可能。本展透過文化部藝術銀行購藏共21 件作品,呈現數學及藝術之間的互動。讓我們發現數學可以不只是課本上冰冷無趣的數字與運算符號,而是生活中俯拾皆是的美,更可以是藝術家內在情感的抒發與意念傳達的方式。藝術與數學不再是感性與理性的兩個極端,藝術、數學之間還能填入更多詞語,互相迸裂、激盪出各種火花。

This exhibition is divided into 3 parts: Mathematics Produces Art, Mathematics Composes Art, and Mathematics Inspires Art in an attempt to demonstrate the link and relationship between art and mathematics. Aesthetics in Ancient Greek emphasizing the harmony and the proportion, linear perspective methods applied into two-dimensional paintings in Renaissance, contemporary abstract art containing amount of geometric patches and lines, and fractal patterns that can be seen everywhere in nature all illustrate the beauty of mathematics.Through a total of 21 artworks procured and collected by Art Bank Taiwan, the exhibition presents the interconnection between art and mathematics. We find that math can be regarded as beauties everywhere in our daily lives and a way for artists to convey inner feelings and opinions, not merely those boring numbers and symbols on textbooks. Art and mathematics are no longer the two extremes of rationality and sensibility apart. We could fill the blank in art ____ mathematics with any other verbs. Let them burst into a variety of sparks!
余歡庭 YU Huan-Ting

王博彥WANG Po-Yen 吳東龍WU Tung-Lung 李政勳LI Cheng-Hsun 林子絹LIN Tzu-Chuan
林旺廷LIN Wang-Tin 邱勤庭CHIU Chin-Ting 張永達CHANG Yung-Ta 梁任宏LIANG Jen-Hung 
郭慧禪KUO Hui-Chan 陳怡潔CHEN Yi-Chieh 陳慧嶠CHEN Hui-Chiao  陳曉朋CHEN Shiau-Peng 
黃蘭雅HUANG Lan-Ya 劉晉彰LIU Ching-Chang 潘顯仁PAN Hsien-Jen
藝數之間Between Art and Mathematics


藝數之間Between Art and Mathematics

次展覽以「數學產生藝術、「數學構成藝術」、「數學激發藝術」為三個展示子題,試圖呈現藝術與數學之間巧妙的關係與聯結。 本展覽作品呈現數學及藝術之間的互動。讓我們發現數學可以不只是課本上冰冷無趣的數字與運算符號,而是生活中俯拾皆是的美,更可以是藝術家內在情感的抒發與意念傳達的方式。藝術與數學不 Read More
