Chiao Yu Chen's profile

它 說 Silent Scene-展覽視覺設計

它    說  Silent Scene 
2018藝術銀行當代藝術展 The Contemporary Art Exhibition of Taiwan Art Bank
​​​​​​​指導單位:文化部     主辦單位:國立台灣科技大學人文藝術中心    執行單位:國立台灣美術館、 藝術銀行ART BANK

展覽視覺識別設計 Exhibition Branding Design

萬物與大自然共生,自然界沒有孤立的存在,其間供應與需求環環相扣,如同瑞秋.卡森《寂靜的春天》中所提的,土壤薄層像補丁一樣覆蓋著大地,控制著人類及大地上各種動物的生存,沒有土讓,植物不能生長,動物無法存活;相對的, 生命也創造土讓,由於土壤中無數有機體的存在及活動,才使土壤能為大地穿上綠色的披衣。人類亦是依靠大自然的資源,得到生存所需的食物及蔽護,由狩獵、採集生活發展成今日的社會。



|About Curation|
All beings coexist with nature, and there is no isolated existence in the natural world; the supply and demand are closely tied as mentioned in Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, that the thin layer of soil that forms the patchy covering over the continents controls our own existence and that of every other animal on the land. Without soil, land plants as we know them would not grow, and without plants no animals could survive; it is equally true that soil depends on life too, and by their presence and activities the myriad organisms of the soil make it capable of supporting the earth’s green mantle. The humans also rely on natural resources for food and shelter necessary for survival, and thus have advanced from hunting and gathering to the society today. 

Nowadays, people often forget the basic needs of survival, as well as respect and thankfulness for nature, exploiting the environment and wasting the resources as they take everything for granted. Over time, the natural supply chain has gradually faltered, destroying the living conditions for all beings; not only have many natural sceneries been replaced by artificial objects, air and water resources are no longer pure and clean. It was not until our lives have been seriously threatened that people began to pay attention to environmental issues; however, most people still choose to turn a blind eye, running away from our responsibilities to protect nature. 

This exhibition aims to convey the relationship between men and nature through scenes and objects; on one hand, it presents people’s respect for nature through religions, while on the other, the exhibition narrates people’s exploits and destruction of nature. Through the works, we can see natural landscapes that have changed due to human activities. For convenience in life and own benefits, people randomly exhaust natural resources and dump wastes, creating one after one mountains of man-made objects, nuclear power plants by beautiful coasts, and oceans that swallow millions of tons of garbage…The “artificial landscapes” accumulated over the years have changed the original look of nature, conveying the silent sigh and protest of the earth. 

|Silent Scene|
“Silent Scene” speaks up for nature, which human survival is depended on, through art, reminding us to pay attention to the things and events taking place around us, as well as the landscapes that are changing; through environmental issues, the exhibition aims to facilitate thoughts and discussions on the border between the man-made world and nature, seeking the respect and thankfulness men originally had for nature. Slowly but surely, let’s listen to what the mountains, the seas, the air, and the soil are saying, as well as to what the others have to say.


日期時間 Date&Time
2018/3/16-3/29  10:00-18:00

展覽地點 Site
IB-1F Exhibition room, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

參展藝術家 Artists

策展人 Curator
陳妍卉CHEN Yan-Huei

​​​​​​​指導單位:文化部     主辦單位:國立台灣科技大學人文藝術中心    執行單位:國立台灣美術館、 藝術銀行ART BANK
它 說 Silent Scene-展覽視覺設計


它 說 Silent Scene-展覽視覺設計

