DOC. is a biannual magazine of the design faculty of the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. An editorial team of about 6-10 students produces its entirety, choosing a theme, the content and design. Only the format, logo and a documentation of the students projects are xed elements for every issue.
Issue No. 11 deals with „failing“ as an important aspect of the designing process and a subject everyone can easily relate to. We interviewed the renowned German designers Eike König and Steffen Kehrle as well as a psychologist from Bolzano.
Being an inevitable part of our lives, the idea of failing was recreated by adding pages that illustrate the content and were torn by hand afterwards to be used as an istallation on our release exhibition.
Check out the magazine.
And the DOC. Website.
To promote the magazine and encourage students to send in their semester projects, so they could be featured in DOC. 11, we created handmade posters that reflect visually and contentwise the struggle with failing.
Benjamin Herchet
Christoph Mich
Julien David Hoffmann
Leonie Brehorst
Mara Schneider
Marinus Klinksik
Tim Tauschek
Prof. Xuyen Dam

DOC. 11 Exhibition

DOC. 11 Exhibition
