DOC. is a biannual magazine of the design faculty of the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. An editorial team of about 6-10 students produces its entirety, choosing a theme, the content and design. Only the format, logo and a documentation of the students projects are xed elements for every issue.
For the 10th issue, we screen printed 10 different covers, representing its 10 chapters which were the reinterpreted themes of the past issues. To celebrate the release of the new issue, we organised an exhibition with a lightinstallation illuminating the magazines in the middle of the room and projected videos on the big walls of Munich's Mixed Munich Arts (MMA) venue.
Check out the magazine.
And the DOC. Website.
Benjamin Herchet
Daniel Künzner
Elisabeth Wagner
Hannah Andresen
Hannah Gorkenant
Julia Tschakert
Julien David Hoffmann
Luise Ivandic
Mara Schneider
Marinus Klinksik
Noah Kösel
Tim Tauschek
Wanda Bleckmann
Prof. Xuyen Dam
DOC. 10 Exhibition

DOC. 10 Exhibition
