Hi Robot! Vol-1
This is something i did for my boy. When he was small (he is still small but what i mean is when he even couldn't talk) he was actually still is fascinated by robots. One day i scribbled the drawing above while we were playing. Which became a 3d model in a short time and which became a poster on his wall. I tried to keep the shapes in basic forms but do relatively detailed texture to create a contrast. Then i decided to make a series of these simple toyish, childish robots which represents family members. There are three for now. I am posting this here to push myself doing the rest of the series. Because i just stopped after the third one for no reason. I mean there are reasons of course, work and life and you know, as you all live through similar stuff... but i guess they are not real reasons :) So hopefully putting these here gives me some motivation to continue.
The Kid
The Grandpa
The Cuz
to be continued...
Hi, Robot!


Hi, Robot!

3D renders of robot characters
