Logo for my first blog. Now extinct. 
Logo for a campaign idea I developed for my family's fourth generation insurance brokerage. The campaign was based around educating people about the difference  and benefits of choosing an insurance broker and an agent. The main difference being that an Insurance Broker works for the client. 
Logo for a "I Speak Kosher" campaign by the Chofetz Chiam Heritage Foundation which uses Jews ethics in order to get people to stop gossiping and speaking badly about each other. 
Logo for OberInsured, the social media side of The Oberman Companies, my families 4th generation Insurance Brokerage. 
Logo for an agency I almost created with some friends. Our last sames made out KRO... and someone with a W was actually going to join later. 
Ron is my tailor. He comes to my house and makes my suits (at any price). I traded him a brand name and a logo for suit. This was the result.
When I was doing marketing at my families 4th generation insurance brokerage I was reading over typical homeowners policy and came across the phrase Tearing Asunder in the section talking about biler damage. I thought it was lovingly poetic. 

The idea was to create a YouTube channel called TEARING ASUNDER that would make little funny video's about the top "accident" video's of the week and have a very boring insurance guy wittingly explain what actually happens Insurance wise in that scenario.

If users just want to see another cool "accident," they can interrupt the broker and move to the next one.

The point being that when you hire an insurance broker, you don't really have to worry about this stuff because they take of it for you. 

This logo was for a class assignment at SVA and was created under the tutelage of Skip Sorvino
Westchester Spinal Decompression is my friend Doctor Jonathan Donath's chiropractic practice... or a major part of it. 
Yizkor is a prayer said during the High Holidays in memory of loved ones who have passed. It is customary to create a booklet for the prayers with a section dedicated to family donations made in people's honor. My synagogue asked me to make it look nice and this is the logo I made for the cover and fundraising drive. 


Various logo's I have done. Im most cases I came up with the name and tagline so my copywriting skills came into play .
