D I S T R I T O 008
Distrito 008 is an annual event with an urban festival format, which was born in 2013 with the intention of promoting the culture and commerce in the zone 008 of the district Extramurs of Valencia.

This event was presented to my school as a contest for graphic design students. My work revolves around two concepts: traditional art and typography. The entire work is done by hand, although afterwards I digitalized it because of resolution problems. I developed several typographies for each letter of distrito, obtaining a very urban and contemporary mix in the end. The technique of colors overlay it reminds you of poor calibration in first impressions. The whole work is done with Promarkers, in blue and red (primary colors) because it allows you to maintain a very attractive transparency. I used the "008" as an important piece of the composition, so that the informative text was in conection with the whole design.
Distrito 008 has severals events during the festival, from children's activities to a gastronomic route. It is a festival for everyone, that is why we had to design a logotype or a compound image for each event.
We had to include an example of the graphic image in the social networks, and of course an example of the main poster in a bus stop billboard.
This one is the original drawing I did with Promarkers.
Distrito 008

Distrito 008
