For my third portrait, this is the smart phone photo for the the illustration.
I start off by drawing out the contours of the face, hair, and shirt. Yellow is my choice for this; easy to see against the j-peg. All sections are broken down onto their own layer. Each layer is then filled and colored in with CYMK color values.
I float the reference photo off to the side margin, and here, I have started the painting process with the face.
In this stage, the portrait is taking shape. Each sub section, has its own layer with vector brush strokes.
The detail is painted in with the bristle brush set, ranging from light to dark opacity with the brush tool.
She is beginning to look lovely!
Nearing completion, I have added in the shirt, necklace, and other detailing all on their separate layers- in fact 30 in all!
The completed illustration-  Cayla
Cayla Rheins 3

Cayla Rheins 3

In this vector illustration, I have re-visited my process of vector illustration with a third portrait of Cayla Rheins. I start off with contour Read More
