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Seven Emotions of Opera Facial Masks

注音符號拼音系統實然上已經成為臺灣特色,是全球唯一使用該拼音系統的地區,是臺灣人成長階段學習漢字必經之路,拼音最重要的功能是一種語言學習的工具,然而除了語言上的交流溝通,臉部表情毅然是表達情緒的一項重要溝通環節;「禮記」一書記載七種情緒: 「喜欲」七者弗學而能,情態與生俱來。透過注音字母的設計表達七種情緒,使注音活化成為表情符號,讓四面八方沒接觸過注音的人能夠加以連結並了解台灣文化。
<예기>에서 칠정은 '희,노,애,구,애,오,욕'의 일곱가지 감정이라고 합니다.
이 일곱 가지는 배우지 않고도 할 수 있는 것이다.
Taiwanese Mandarin Symbols design- Seven Emotions of Opera Facial Masks. 
The quote from the book of rites said" Human beings have seven emotions, happiness, anger, sorrow, frightful, love, hate and desired. We already knew how to feel your mood, we always do.
Seven Emotions of Opera Facial Masks

Seven Emotions of Opera Facial Masks

Taiwanese Mandarin Symbols design- Seven Emotions of Opera Facial Masks. The quote from the book of rites said" Human beings have seven emotio Read More
