This video is the end product of tremendous, intense efforts for introducing you to must-see tourist attractions in Anatolia, and discovering the undiscovered for you in Turkey’s five different regions, and four seas surrounding these lands. What you’re about to watch is brought to you after a long process of selection and editing of thousands of video shots compiled over the course of more than one year. Hope you'll enjoy our video and you'll share it with others!
Cette vidéo est le fruit d'un travail intense et de longue haleine. Nous souhaitions vous présenter les sites touristiques incontournables et les trésors cachés qui restent à découvrir en Anatolie, ainsi que dans les quatre mers qui l'entourent. Le processus de sélection et de montage a été long et difficile, à partir de milliers d'images et de vidéos que nous avons compilées tout au long de ces dernières années . Nous espérons que vous apprécierez notre video ! N'oubliez pas de la partager avec vos amis
Anadolu'nun turistik yerlerinin, daha önce ayak basılmamış veya unutulmaya yüz tutmuş ücra köşelerinin harmanlandığı bu videoyu, bu coğrafyanın beş farklı bölgesinden, dört farklı denizinden bir seneyi aşkın yoğun ve zorlu bir süreç sonunda çektiğimiz binlerce görüntü arasından eleyip kurgulayarak oluşturduk.
Director: Barış Alp
Cinematography: İsmail Cem Odabaşı, Barış Alp, Coşkun Fırat
Drone Operator: Timur Akkurt
Edit & Color: Güney Sokullu
Music & Sound: Atakan Kundak
Executive Producer: Caner Alp
Production Coordinator: İpek Kıran
Assistants: Güniz Anıl, Gökhan Tekin
Transportation: Recep Fırat, Raşit Sarı
Translator: İlke Yalçın


This video is the end product of tremendous, intense efforts for introducing you to must-see tourist attractions in Anatolia, and discovering the Read More
