We exist in a society that has a strong visual vocabulary, one that can navigate fairly easily through text and imagery. Because of this sophistication, we as designers have the opportunity to explore type in a way that can be both imaginative and iconic, and in return create something that is truly astonishing, while establishing a form that compliments and to some extent maintains an editorial vantage point. 

the first layout assignment is the reverse design a feature spread for a magazine. the topic of the spread is up to you the design. The assignment emphasizes the use of grids studied in class and finding a connection to the content and subject the target audience is for the feature should be understood as you are lining the layout and plotting the grid. 

A magazine online a book is a "warehouse" of dis-separate texts, produced nay editors, designers and advertisers, it create an environment of orly mixed speech. because of this collaboration and multiple voices, magazines can represent a strong challenge. 
Feature Spread

Feature Spread
